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快讯:奥巴马声明确定将对叙动武 择机下令

老榕: #叙利亚局势# 【FAQ】美国要打叙利亚?对,30多个国家会一起打。什么时候打?本周六开始的任何时间都可能。安理会同意?不,有俄罗斯等国否决。那凭什么打?禁止化武的国际公约。打多久?2-3天。这么短时间管用?管用,绰绰有余。怎么打?纯空袭,用战斧导弹和战机。



Obama Says U.S. Should Take Action In Syria, Will Seek Congress' Authorization For Use Of Force

President Barack Obama addressed the crisis in Syria on Saturday, saying he has decided the United States should take military action against regime targets, but that he will seek authorization from Congress before taking action.

"I will seek authorization for the use of force from the American people's representatives in Congress," Obama said during a press conference in the White House Rose Garden.

Obama said any action would"be designed to be limited in duration and scope."

Obama referenced an Aug.21 attack at the start of his remarks, saying"this menace must be confronted."

"The world watched in horror as men, women and children were massacred in Syria in the worst chemical attack of the21st century," Obama said.

"This attack is an assault on human dignity," Obama said, saying it"risks making a mockery" of the use of chemical weapons.

"Make no mistake-- this has implications beyond chemical warfare," Obama said.

According to Reuters, House Speaker John Boehner(R-Ohio) said the House will consider a measure on Syrian military action the week of Sept.9, when lawmakers return from recess.

Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor(R-Va.), Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy(R-Calif.) and Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers(R-Wash.) released the following statement after Obama's remraks:

Under the Constitution, the responsibility to declare war lies with Congress. We are glad the president is seeking authorization for any military action in Syria in response to serious, substantive questions being raised. In consultation with the president, we expect the House to consider a measure the week of September9th. This provides the president time to make his case to Congress and the American people.






Phото: EPA


©俄罗斯之声   叙利亚反对派军事委员会正式发言人加西姆·萨丁向路透社说,叙利亚反对派打算利用西方或将对阿萨德总统力量进行的打击自己也做进攻的准备。










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