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李源潮同情学生 传入常后平反六四

9月17号,香港南华早报》报导指称,中共中央组织部部长李源潮是入常的热门人选。报导援引分析人士的话说,因为李源潮特殊的〝八九背景〞, 如果居于权力高层,将有助于中共正视〝八九民运〞的历史或〝平反六四〞。下面和本台记者一起去了解。














张前进:〝像中东茉莉花革命这样 ,当整个人民都起来以后,那他必须要正视人民的声音和力量,那就不是来祈求他来给我们一个什么评价,一个什么平反,这是我的一个认识。〞


采访编辑/常春 后制/王明宇[next]

Li Yuanchao To Rehabilitate June 4 Pro-democracy Event?

On September 17, Hong Kong's South China Morning Post
reported, Li Yuanchao, Minister of the Organization Dep. of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee is
a popular candidate for the Politburo Standing Committee.
The report quoted analysts as saying, due to Li's significant
involvement in the 1989 pro-democracy movement,
if he takes the position, it may be helpful for the CCP to face up
to the history of the 1989 event or even rehabilitate June 4.
Please see the following reports.

For a long time, Li Yuanchao, Minister of the Organization
Department of the CCP's Central Committee has been
a popular candidate for the Politburo Standing Committee.

Li Yuanchao has been defined in many shades: “Princeling”,
“Communist Youth League faction” and “Shanghai Gang”.

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post published an article
with the title: “Li Yuanchao, A Flexible Political Star”.
Reports say Li may enter the Politburo Standing Committee
smoothly and take the position of CCP vice president.

Reports say Li Yuanchao currently controls the CCP
personnel center—the Central Committee Organization Dep.
The position requires him to consolidate the relationships
between the various political factions and himself.

Reports say Li Yuanchao gave a high-profile remark praising
Bo Xilai's achievements, but after the Chongqing event,
Li turned to criticize Bo and helped the Communist
Youth League (CYL) faction to clean Jiang Zemin's rear end.

It is understood that, 4 years ago, Bo Xilai was demoted to
Chongqing and Li Yuanchao had announced the appointment.
Li Yuanchao had also announced the removal of Bo Xilai
recently, when Bo's political career came to a dramatic end.

Moreover, Li had been in the 1989 CYL Central committee
and at that time, was managing China Youth Daily,
which published articles to sympathize with the students
in their 1989 pro-democracy movement.
There were also China Youth Daily reporters who had sent
joint petitions to the CCP in support of the movement.
Afterwards, the CCP leaders criticized Li's attitude as being
“not tough enough” and Li's political career was hampered.

South China Morning Post quoted an analysis by Li Datong,

China Youth Daily's former senior reporter
and editor of Freezing point Weekly.
Li Datong analysed, it is precisely because of the history of
Li Yuanchao and other CYL faction rulers that,
if they would take senior power, they may help the CCP to face up to the
1989 pro-democracy movement or even rehabilitate June 4.

Independent commentator Han Wu thinks, in this regard,

there is a big opportunity for Li Yuanchao to enter into the
Politburo Standing Committee, but as for rehabilitating June 4 Han is not optimistic.

[Han Wu, Commentator]: “As for rehabilitating June 4,
it is something not only related to the CCP's attitude, but also with political reform.
As for these kinds of important political issues,
it is unrealistic for Li Yuanchao to rehabilitate June 4
and start political reform as soon as he takes his position;
I think he will spend 1 or 2 years stabilizing his team.”

Li Datong also thinks, whether it is Xi Jinping, Li Yuanchao,

or other CCP rulers, a single person could not start a political
reform; there's sure to be heavy resistance against a reform.
Therefore, in the first term after the power transfer of the 18th
CCP National Congress, Xi Jinping may focus on stability —he's unlikely to take any drastic moves.

Zhang Qianjin was a student of Beijing Language and Culture
University in 1986, who was then sentenced by the CCP as a
“counter-revolutionary” and for “propaganda and incitement”
receiving a 2-year prison sentence after the June 4 movement.
Zhang Qianjin said to NTDTV that he strongly opposed
the CCP's wording vindicating the June 4 event.

[Zhang Qianjin, Jailed 1986 Student, Beijing]: “The CCP
just used illegal means to gain power, so it does not qualify to rehabilitate us.
In the past, we put our hope into Wen Jiabao as he seemed to
be progressive; now we should start relying on Li Yuanchao?
—I think we should get rid of this idea.”

Zhang Qianjin analyses further that, nowadays,
Chinese people also hope their country would be better.
However, the biggest barrier is not China's economy
or the GDP growth, but the CCP's dictatorship.

[Zhang Qianjin]: “Just like the Jasmine Revolution in China,
once all people would join a movement,
the CCP would have to face the people's voice and strength.

By that time, we would not need to ask the CCP to give us
a review or vindicate us—this is my opinion.”

However, will the CCP rehabilitate June 4 in exchange for
getting the people’s support?
Zhang Qianjin thinks, the CCP's crisis is close to reaching
the critical point;
the CCP may take action following its historical trends,
in order to solidify its regime.




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