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内部消息:江泽民死后 一大批人会放出来















Jiang Brain Dead?

In the past two days, BBC, Associated Press, 
Hong Kong's ATV and Shandong News have all reported 
that Jiang Zemin had died. According to inside information, 
Jiang is relying on life support to maintain his heartbeat.
Mainlanders are ready to ignite firecrackers and celebrate.
Commentators believe with Jiang's death, 
some miscarriage of justice will be vindicated.

A high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official 
told NTD that Jiang had been brain dead due to 
massive cerebral infarction, and now is on life support.

He told NTD from Beijing: "They said Jiang can still breathe.
There may be brain damage.
He is unconscious, but the heart still beats. 
A large area of his brain is dead, but the heart still beats. 
He definitely needs a respirator to stay alive.
It's hard to say how long the respirator can sustain his life.
Could be a week or a month. Anyway, he is still breathing.”

A well-informed person said, once Jiang dies, 
some innocent people in prison may be released.

He described one of his writer friends named Ji Yi, 
who was a former director of chief editor's office 
of Social Security Newspaper. 
Ji was the first to quit the CCP after the Tiananmen Massacre. 
Ji Yi once wrote a book titled
"Great Qigong Masters out of the Mountains",
recording stories of Qigong Masters at the Qigong's peak. 
Ji was arrested in 2001 on charges of tax evasion, 
and was sentenced to 19 years in prison. 
The well-informed person said, Jiang ordered Ji's arrest. 
Jiang harbors unfathomable hatred toward Qigong practitioners.

The person from Beijing said, "If Jiang really passes away,
Ji might be released. We utilized many personal ties to no avail,
being told it was decided by the top leader, Jiang. 
Jiang hates Falun Gong very much.
Falun Gong is a practice with no harm to the society.
It teaches the harmless 'Truth-Compassion-Forbearance'.
I can never understand why Jiang hates Falun Gong so much.
If Jiang passes away, Falun Gong's issue might be resolved."

Prof. Zhang Zanning at Southeast University Law School,
wrote in the past to expose Jiang's crime as a traitor to China.
He said because of China's internet blockade he had not seen
rumors of Jiang's death. He felt Jiang had done so many crimes,
if he died before being punished, it will be too easy for him.

Prof. Zhang Zanning, "Jiang had committed many crimes. 
So I say he should die after being punished. 
If he has really died, it's too easy for him.
He sold out China's land to USSR, about 1.5 million sq. kms.
He suppressed democratic movements
and Falun Gong practitioners. These are huge crimes."

Once Jiang's death rumors came out, 
Mainland netizens became joyful. 
Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao said, 
we can tell that Chinese people hope for Jiang's death.

Chen Yongmiao (Beijing constitutional scholar): 
"Ordinary people like workers and peasants hate Jiang and 
Zhu Rongji the most, because they created dignitary capitalism.
These 13 years is a period, in which Chinese paid the most.
We actually all hope the rumors are true. 
Many bought firecrackers to celebrate, 
or compile a variety of scripts to celebrate Jiang's death."

Chen believes that damages caused to China by Jiang
will show up in the next two decades. 
It may be even worse than the decade-long Cultural Revolution.
Jiang brought China to dignitary capitalism, 
harming not only politics, but also China's economy and culture.

On Thursday, Xinhua News issued brief news in English, 
saying the death of Jiang is a "rumor". 
But its Chinese version did not say anything about the "rumor".
On Thursday afternoon, at a regular press conference
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 
three reporters asked four times about Jiang's health,
but spokesman Hong Lei refused to give an answer.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Xiao Yu




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