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传温政改通过 能保佑世界20%人口?

温家宝曾多次提到政治体制改革,在薄熙来事件爆发后,中国的体制改革更加引发舆论关注。日前法国媒体引述传闻说,温家宝的政改方案已获得通过。但是这项传闻,真的能像传出消息者所盼望的那样——〝保佑中国,保佑占世界人口20%的中国人!〞吗? ,请看专家的分析解读。

《法国国际广播电台》援引海外华文网站《纵览中国》15号的刊文说,〝北京文化人聚集地万圣书园的老板娘'醒客张'14日在新浪微博说:看到确切消息,温的改革建议、平反建议已被确认了!〞文章同时还引述了北京资深媒体人高瑜的话说:〝从体制内部听闻了相关消息。 〞






时事评论员史达:〝 我当然听到这个消息很高兴了,但是呢,如果政改要成功的话,我觉得有几个前提,第一个就是说,要去掉真正的那些反对派,包括江系血债派,怎么样把他们清除掉。还有一个就是政改改什么?是党内改,还是说把共产党也改了。〞





采访编辑/常春 后制/朱娣


Will Wen’s Political Reform Bring Blessings to Twenty Percent of the World's Population?

Wen Jiabao has repeatedly discussed political reform. Since Bo Xilai’s case was exposed, China's institutional reform draws attention from around the world.
A French media recently reported that Premier Wen's reform package has allegedly been passed. But will the reform really benefit the Chinese, who account for 20% world population, as claimed? Please see our expert analysis.

Based on an article posted on the 15th from an overseas Chinese website, China In Perspective, Radio France Internationale reported that Thinker Zhang,
owner of WanSan Book Garden, a Beijing intellectuals gathering place, posted on Sina Weibo microblogging, “Saw a message saying that Wen’s proposals of reform and vindication have been confirmed! The article also indicated that Gao Yu, Beijing Evening News senior journalist said he allegedly “Learned this information from (a source) within the regime.”

George Mason University professor Zhang Tianliang hopes Wen Jiabao will change China's political environment and bring the concept of freedom, justice, rule of law, human rights to China.

Zhang Tianliang: "Since we have not seen Wen Jiabao’s reform measures, it is difficult to make a specific comment. Of course, we keep good faith in Wen Jiabao. We hope through his efforts in his particular environment,
concepts of freedom, justice, rule of law, human rights, and a healthy political environment can be brought to China."

Zhang Tianliang also thinks Wen Jiaobao’s political reform “seems a little too early” according to the current situation.

Zhang Tianliang: "I don’t think the infighting within the CCP has ended.
The tension during the process of dealing with Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang,
and people behind them such as Luo Gan and Jiang Zemin is as much as a war, or at least a restriction to these evil doers."

Commentator Shi Da also believes that eliminating the Jiang “bloody debt” faction is a prerequisite to political reform.

Commentator Shi Da: "Of course I am very happy about this news. However, I feel there are several prerequisites to a successful political reform. The first is to completely remove the real opposition, including Jiang’s bloody debt group. Then what should the reform correct, the party or the CCP completely?"

The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, also saw signs of hope in Wen Jiabao’s speech regarding "no Cultural Revolution in China again". On Monday in Hawaii he said the cause of the 2008 Tibet crisis is like a reoccurrence of the Cultural Revolution. However, the Dalai Lama said that in Tibet there are still “admirers of the gun,” and “from past experience,
those party and government leaders in minority areas who are more leftist, tougher, and conduct the more stringent internal massacre, will be promoted.”
Under such a political environment, he feels there won’t be the political reform Wen Jiabao mentioned.

Shi Da believes the Communist Party is the real cause of the halt to Chinese society’s progress.

Shi Da: "The political reform won’t possibly be carried out to the end if the bloody debt group is not completely eliminated, and thus there won’t be blessings brought to China. The direction of political reform is in fact quite important, if we only come to a partial political reform, it is not a thorough political reform. A political reform should convince every Chinese person,
including Chinese prisoners of conscience, and all the persecuted Chinese, that China is truly blessed."

Zhang Tianliang indicates that after the bloody debt group is cleared, there is also an important next step. That is, for the ruling and opposition parties to discuss how to move forward. However, Zhang Tianliang believes that an evil regime such as the Communist Party should no longer exist."

责任编辑: 于飞  来源:新唐人 转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
