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奥巴马悼念遇难矿工逐一念名字 中国人很感动

上海出版的《东方日报》日前以《遇难矿工姓名奥巴马全念了》为题,报导了美国总统奥巴马(见图)在西弗吉尼亚州悼念美国煤矿遇难矿工现场的情况,并把奥巴马的悼词全文翻译发表,该文目前正流行于网上。(JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
奥巴马悼念遇难矿工逐一念名字 中国人很感动




shanzei7878 留言写道:“‘日以继夜,他们挖掘煤炭,这也是他们劳动的果实,我们对此却不以为然:这照亮一个会议中心的电能;点亮我们教堂或家园、学校、办公室的灯光;让我们国家运转的能源;让世界维持的能源。’这个人,这位美国总统,从他嘴里说出的这些话,我一个对美国不太感冒的普通人,好想哭……”




Wcjjwhdgm 说:实在令人感动!


网民沉思顿悟宁静在留言中列出了奥巴马念出的29名遇难矿工的名字,然后写道:“这29名是美国人,这些是丈夫、父亲、祖父、弟兄、儿子、叔父、侄子。那 38名,他们没有家人,没有朋友,甚至没有人知道他们是什么样子。正确的说他们只是一组数字而已。”(编者注:在美国矿难发生前几天,中国山西王家岭煤矿也发生矿难,官方报导38人遇难。)


okk007 说:“看到有人性的讲话咋就那么难??? ”

中国的矿难频频发生早已创下了世界记录,动辄死几十人、几百人已经司空见惯,人们那脆弱的神经已经被锤击得迟钝而又麻木,似乎人死的再多也都不以为然了。 一位高官面对过去一次矿难中被营救出的部份矿工,曾大言不惭地说:“成绩仍然是主要的。”





“ 我们在这里,怀念29位美国人:卡尔‧阿克德、杰森‧阿金斯、克里斯多佛‧贝尔、格利高里‧史蒂夫‧布洛克、肯尼斯‧艾伦‧查普曼、罗伯特‧克拉克、查尔斯‧蒂莫西‧戴维斯、克里‧戴维斯、迈克尔‧李‧埃尔斯维克、威廉‧I.格里菲斯、史蒂芬‧哈拉、爱德华‧迪恩‧琼斯、理查德‧K.雷恩、威廉姆‧罗斯威尔特‧林奇、尼古拉斯‧达利尔‧麦考斯基、乔‧马克姆、罗纳德‧李‧梅尔、詹姆斯‧E.姆尼、亚当‧基斯‧摩根、雷克斯‧L.姆林斯、乔甚‧S.纳皮尔、霍华德‧D.佩恩、迪拉德‧厄尔‧波辛格、乔尔‧R.普莱斯、迪华德‧斯科特、加里‧考拉斯、格罗佛‧戴尔‧斯金斯、本尼‧威灵汉姆以及里奇‧沃克曼。”










这也是美国人熟知的一首歌里表达的精神。我想,让大多数人惊讶的是这首歌实际是一名矿工的儿子所写,关于贝克利这个小镇的,关于西弗吉尼亚人民的。这首歌曲,“靠着我”(Lean on Me)是关于友谊的赞歌,但也是关于社区关于一同相聚的赞歌。








We’re here to memorialize 29 Americans: Carl Acord. Jason Atkins. Christopher Bell. Gregory Steven Brock. Kenneth Allan Chapman. Robert Clark. Charles Timothy Davis. Cory Davis. Michael Lee Elswick. William I. Griffith. Steven Harrah. Edward Dean Jones. Richard K. Lane. William Roosevelt Lynch. Nicholas Darrell McCroskey. Joe Marcum. Ronald Lee Maynor. James E. Mooney. Adam Keith Morgan. Rex L. Mullins. Joshua S. Napper. Howard D. Payne. Dillard Earl Persinger. Joel R. Price. Deward Scott. Gary Quarles. Grover Dale Skeens. Benny Willingham. And Ricky Workman.

Nothing I, or the Vice President, or the Governor, none of the speakers here today, nothing we say can fill the hole they leave in your hearts, or the absence that they leave in your lives. If any comfort can be found, it can, perhaps, be found by seeking the face of God -- (applause) -- who quiets our troubled minds, a God who mends our broken hearts, a God who eases our mourning souls.

Even as we mourn 29 lives lost, we also remember 29 lives lived. Up at 4:30 a.m., 5:00 in the morning at the latest, they began their day, as they worked, in darkness. In coveralls and hard-toe boots, a hardhat over their heads, they would sit quietly for their hour-long journey, five miles into a mountain, the only light the lamp on their caps, or the glow from the mantrip they rode in.

Day after day, they would burrow into the coal, the fruits of their labor, what so often we take for granted: the electricity that lights up a convention center; that lights up our church or our home, our school, our office; the energy that powers our country; the energy that powers the world. (Applause.)

And most days they’d emerge from the dark mine, squinting at the light. Most days, they’d emerge, sweaty and dirty and dusted from coal. Most days, they’d come home. But not that day.

These men -– these husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers sons, uncles, nephews -– they did not take on their job unaware of the perils. Some of them had already been injured; some of them had seen a friend get hurt. So they understood there were risks. And their families did, too. They knew their kids would say a prayer at night before they left. They knew their wives would wait for a call when their shift ended saying everything was okay. They knew their parents felt a pang of fear every time a breaking news alert came on, or the radio cut in.

But they left for the mines anyway -– some, having waited all their lives to be miners; having longed to follow in the footsteps of their fathers and their grandfathers. And yet, none of them did it for themselves alone.

All that hard work, all that hardship, all the time spent underground, it was all for the families. It was all for you. For a car in the driveway, a roof overhead. For a chance to give their kids opportunities that they would never know, and enjoy retirement with their spouses. It was all in the hopes of something better. And so these miners lived -– as they died -– in pursuit of the American Dream.

There, in the mines, for their families, they became a family themselves -– sharing birthdays, relaxing together, watching Mountaineers football or basketball together, spending days off together, hunting or fishing. They may not have always loved what they did, said a sister, but they loved doing it together. They loved doing it as a family. They loved doing it as a community.

That’s a spirit that’s reflected in a song that almost every American knows. But it’s a song most people, I think, would be surprised was actually written by a coal miner’s son about this town, Beckley, about the people of West Virginia. It’s the song, Lean on Me -– an anthem of friendship, but also an anthem of community, of coming together.

That community was revealed for all to see in the minutes, and hours, and days after the tragedy. Rescuers, risking their own safety, scouring narrow tunnels saturated with methane and carbon monoxide, hoping against hope they might find a survivor. Friends keeping porch lights on in a nightly vigil; hanging up homemade signs that read, “Pray for our miners, and their families.” Neighbors consoling each other, and supporting each other and leaning on one another.

I’ve seen it, the strength of that community. In the days that followed the disaster, emails and letters poured into the White House. Postmarked from different places across the country, they often began the same way: “I am proud to be from a family of miners.” “I am the son of a coal miner.” “I am proud to be a coal miner’s daughter.” (Applause.) They were always proud, and they asked me to keep our miners in my thoughts, in my prayers. Never forget, they say, miners keep America’s lights on. (Applause.) And then in these letters, they make a simple plea: Don’t let this happen again. (Applause.) Don't let this happen again.

How can we fail them? How can a nation that relies on its miners not do everything in its power to protect them? How can we let anyone in this country put their lives at risk by simply showing up to work; by simply pursuing the American Dream?

We cannot bring back the 29 men we lost. They are with the Lord now. Our task, here on Earth, is to save lives from being lost in another such tragedy; to do what must do, individually and collectively, to assure safe conditions underground -- (applause) -- to treat our miners like they treat each other -- like a family. (Applause.) Because we are all family and we are all Americans. (Applause.) And we have to lean on one another, and look out for one another, and love one another, and pray for one another.

There’s a psalm that comes to mind today -– a psalm that comes to mind, a psalm we often turn to in times of heartache.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

God bless our miners. (Applause.) God bless their families. God bless West Virginia. (Applause.) And God bless the United States of America. (Applause.)

责任编辑: zhongkang  来源:中文大纪元 转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。

